Sidney MCR has launched a new event series, promising inspirational speakers from the creative industries and worlds of food and sport.

The new speaker series, Conversations, was devised by Connor Hiza, Sidney MCR’s Welfare Officer and LGBT+ Officer, and launched on 19 May. The first event gave College Members the chance to hear from Dan Bloxham, Head Coach of the All England Club and Master of Ceremonies at the world-famous Wimbledon Tennis Championships.

A man speaks to a packed room.

Dan Bloxham, Head Coach of the All England Club, speaks to College Members at the first event in a new series, Conversations.

Bloxham heads the youth programme at Wimbledon, and has helped thousands of children to engage with sport. He has worked closely with top players including the former British No.1s Andy Murray and Johanna Konta. 

Bloxham addressed an audience which included the Co-Presidents of Cambridge Blues Tennis Club. After the event, he described “the amazing environment” that he experienced in Cambridge: “I was totally captivated by the history, the architecture, and above all by the most energised and delightful students and staff.” 

“I was very excited to visit Sidney and to give a talk on my tennis journey and Wimbledon. My thanks go to Connor for organising and delivering this.” 

Although the identity of future speakers for the event series remains shrouded in secrecy, the organisers have promised “Olympians and athletes, actors, musicians and chefs.” 

Connor Hiza: “I have been interested for a while in coming up with a new series for Sidney which involves bringing in inspiring individuals from the wider world as well as academia. 

“Over the next year, we plan to present a series of intimate conversations in the beautiful setting of Sidney’s Old Library, over port and cheese. I would like to thank the MCR Committee and College for supporting this new series and look forward to future Conversations.” 

The Conversations event series is open to all Members of Sidney. 

More information on events at Sidney, including our alumni reunions, is available on our Events page. 

Banner image: Shep McAllister, via

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